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Thế giới ASIC


Interrupt handling is a well-known feature of any SoC which usually comprises of CPU, Bus Fabric, several Controllers, Sub-Systems & many IP blocks as part of it. In some way or other Interrupts are used to act as the sideband signals of the Design/IP Blocks & most of the time it’s not the part of the main bus or control bus.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ hai, 03 Tháng 4 2023 23:19 ) Đọc thêm...

Formal verification: where to use it and why?

With innovations in technologies and methodology, the benefits of formal functional verification apply in many more areas. If we understand the characteristics of areas with high formal applicability, we can identify not only which blocks are good candidates, but also what portions or functionalities of the blocks will give the greatest return on the time and effort invested. Today, formal verification can be more valuable applied partially within blocks by choosing the functions that have the highest return.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 10 Tháng 7 2022 13:55 ) Đọc thêm...


Over the years, design complexity and size have stubbornly obeyed the growth curve predicted by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore. Moore stated that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years. The chip makers want to pack as many functions as possible in their SoCs and provide as many feature additions to gain market share. The additional features increase the complexity and effort for verification.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 10 Tháng 7 2022 13:51 ) Đọc thêm...

REVIEW Combinational Arithmetic Circuits

I. Introduction

Arithmetic circuits are the ones which perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, parity calculation. Most of the time, designing these circuits is the same as designing muxers, encoders and decoders.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ hai, 03 Tháng 4 2023 23:22 ) Đọc thêm...

Review SystemC Modules


1. Introduction
Modules are the basic building block within SystemC to partition a design. Modules allow designers to break complex systems into smaller more manageable pieces. 


Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 12 Tháng 6 2022 23:31 ) Đọc thêm...

REVIEW Structs And Units

1. Introduction to Structs

The basic organization of an e program is a tree of structs. A struct is a compound type that contains data fields, procedural methods, and other members.

It is the e equivalent of a class in other object-oriented languages. 

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ hai, 03 Tháng 4 2023 23:24 ) Đọc thêm...

Review Conditional Flow Control


Conditional Flow Control: Conditional flow like in any other programming language is used for controlling execution a block of code, when a condition is true.

2.     Content

-      Conditional Flow Control Part-I

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 24 Tháng 5 2022 23:36 ) Đọc thêm...

Review Digital Combinational Logic

1.    Digital Logic Families

Logic families can be classified broadly according to the technologies they are built with. In earlier days we had vast number of these technologies, as you can see in the list below.

DL : Diode Logic.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ hai, 03 Tháng 4 2023 23:26 ) Đọc thêm...

Review Functional Coverage

1 Introduction to Coverage

   Typically in verification flow, we do code coverage, but doing code coverage shows only if all the lines of the DUT is executed, if all the possible cases of a expression are covered. 

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ hai, 03 Tháng 4 2023 23:29 ) Đọc thêm...

Review Events And Temporal Expressions

1. Temporal Expression Recognition

Temporal Expression Recognition (TER) is the process of locating phrases that denote temporal information. Temporal expressions may be an expressed point in time, a duration or a frequency. 

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1. About this document

This document has three target audiences. Those who are not at all familiar with Specman should find in the first chapter a brief objective account of its main working principles and a discussion of its pros and cons. 

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An improved technique for fifo desigis to perform asynchronous comparisons between the fifo write and read pointers that are generated in

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Review Verification Of UART

1. Overview

If the designer creates the product, the simulator is the person who ensures that the product has to meet the best quality when it reaches the customer. 

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Review Verification Of UART

1. Overview

If the designer creates the product, the simulator is the person who ensures that the product has to meet the best quality when it reaches the customer. 

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 03 Tháng 5 2022 19:35 ) Đọc thêm...

Verification Of UART Part - III

UART Scoreboard

  1 <'
  2 struct uart_sb {
Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 03 Tháng 5 2022 19:35 ) Đọc thêm...

Verification Of UART Part - II

Device Under Test

   1 //-----------------------------------------------------

   2 // Design Name : uart

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 03 Tháng 5 2022 19:36 ) Đọc thêm...
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