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Interfacing With HDL Simulator Part VI

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Verilog DUT

  1 `timescale 1ns / 1ns

  2 // Verilog DUT

  3 module counter(

  4 rst,   // Reset input

  5 clk,   // Clock Input

  6 d_out  // Counter output

  7 );

  8 // Port Declation

  9 input      rst;

 10 input      clk;

 11 output  [31:0]  d_out;

 12 // Internal data type

 13 reg  [31:0]  d_out;

 14 // Code starts here

 15 always @ (posedge clk)

 16   if (rst) d_out <= 0;

 17   else d_out <= d_out + 1;


 19 endmodule

 20 // Testbench top level

 21 module tb();

 22 reg      rst;

 23 reg      clk;

 24 wire  [31:0]  d_out;


 26 initial begin

 27  $sc_counter(clk, d_out, rst);// Testbench Connection

 28  clk = 0;

 29 end

 30 // Clock generator

 31 always  #1  clk = ~clk;

 32 // DUT connection

 33 counter dut (

 34     // Inputs

 35     rst,

 36     clk,

 37     // Outputs

 38     d_out

 39 );


 41 endmodule

SystemC Counter Header File

  1 #ifndef COUNTER_H

  2 #define COUNTER_H


  4 #include "systemc.h"


  6 SC_MODULE (counter) {

  7   sc_in<bool>          clk;   // clock input

  8   sc_out<bool>         rst;   // reset ouput

  9   sc_in<sc_uint<32> >  d_out; // data input

 10   sc_out<int>          done;  // Terminate sim      


 12   void cnt_model ();

 13   void monitor   ();

 14   void test      ();


 16   sc_uint<32>  cnt; // counter model

 17   int error; // Error status


 19   SC_CTOR(counter) {

 20     SC_CTHREAD(monitor,clk.pos());

 21     SC_CTHREAD(cnt_model,clk.pos());

 22     SC_CTHREAD(test,clk.pos());

 23   }

 24 };


 26 #endif

SystemC Counter Body

  1 #include "counter.h"


  3 // Counter model

  4 void counter::cnt_model() {

  5   while (true) {

  6     wait();

  7     if ( {

  8       cnt = 0;

  9     } else {

 10       cnt ++;

 11     }

 12   }

 13 }

 14 // Counter montitor

 15 void counter::monitor() {

 16   error = 0;

 17   while (true) {

 18     wait();

 19     cout << "@" <<sc_time_stamp() << "Counter Monitor : tb "

 20        << cnt << " dut " << d_out << endl;

 21     if ( == 0) {

 22        if (cnt  ! = d_out) {

 23          error ++;

 24        }

 25     }

 26   }

 27 }

 28 // Counter stim gen

 29 void counter::test() {

 30   done = 0;

 31   while (true) {

 32     rst = true;

 33     cout<<"@"<<sc_time_stamp()<<" Asserting Reset " << endl;

 34     wait(10);

 35     rst = false;

 36     cout<<"@"<<sc_time_stamp()<<" De-asserting Reset " << endl;

 37     wait(20);

 38     // Request for simulation termination

 39     if (error > 0) {

 40       cout << "=======================================" << endl;

 41       cout << " SIMULATION FAILED" << endl;

 42       cout << "=======================================" << endl;

 43     } else {

 44       cout << "=======================================" << endl;

 45       cout << " SIMULATION PASSED" << endl;

 46       cout << "=======================================" << endl;

 47     }

 48     done = 1;

 49     // Just wait for few cycles

 50     wait(100);

 51   }

 52 }

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 29 March 2022 00:51 )  
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