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Verilog HDL Syntax And Semantics Part V

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Hierarchical Identifiers

Hierarchical path names are based on the top module identifier followed by module instant identifiers, separated by periods.

This is useful basically when we want to see the signal inside a lower module, or want to force a value inside an internal module. The example below shows how to monitor the value of an internal module signal.


  2 // This is simple adder Program

  3 // Design Name : adder_hier

  4 // File Name   : adder_hier.v

  5 // Function    : This program shows verilog hier path works

  6 // Coder       : Deepak

  7 //-----------------------------------------------------

  8 `include "addbit.v"

  9 module adder_hier (

 10 result        , // Output of the adder

 11 carry         , // Carry output of adder

 12 r1            , // first input

 13 r2            , // second input

 14 ci              // carry input

 15 );


 17 // Input Port Declarations      

 18 input    [3:0]   r1         ;

 19 input    [3:0]   r2         ;

 20 input            ci         ;


 22 // Output Port Declarations

 23 output   [3:0]  result      ;

 24 output          carry       ;


 26 // Port Wires

 27 wire     [3:0]    r1        ;

 28 wire     [3:0]    r2        ;

 29 wire              ci        ;

 30 wire     [3:0]    result    ;

 31 wire              carry     ;


 33 // Internal variables

 34 wire              c1        ;

 35 wire              c2        ;

 36 wire              c3        ;


 38 // Code Starts Here

 39 addbit u0 (r1[0],r2[0],ci,result[0],c1);

 40 addbit u1 (r1[1],r2[1],c1,result[1],c2);

 41 addbit u2 (r1[2],r2[2],c2,result[2],c3);

 42 addbit u3 (r1[3],r2[3],c3,result[3],carry);


 44 endmodule // End Of Module adder


 46 module tb();


 48 reg [3:0] r1,r2;

 49 reg  ci;

 50 wire [3:0] result;

 51 wire  carry;


 53 // Drive the inputs

 54 initial begin

 55   r1 = 0;

 56   r2 = 0;

 57   ci = 0;

 58    #10  r1 = 10;

 59    #10  r2 = 2;

 60    #10  ci = 1;

 61    #10  $display("+--------------------------------------------------------+");

 62   $finish;

 63 end


 65 // Connect the lower module

 66 adder_hier U (result,carry,r1,r2,ci);


 68 // Hier demo here

 69 initial begin

 70   $display("+--------------------------------------------------------+");

 71   $display("|  r1  |  r2  |  ci  | u0.sum | u1.sum | u2.sum | u3.sum |");

 72   $display("+--------------------------------------------------------+");

 73   $monitor("|  %h   |  %h   |  %h   |    %h    |   %h   |   %h    |   %h    |",

 74   r1,r2,ci, tb.U.u0.sum, tb.U.u1.sum, tb.U.u2.sum, tb.U.u3.sum);

 75 end


 77 endmodule

 |  r1  |  r2  |  ci  | u0.sum | u1.sum | u2.sum | u3.sum |


 |  0   |  0   |  0   |    0    |   0   |   0    |   0    |

 |  a   |  0   |  0   |    0    |   1   |   0    |   1    |

 |  a   |  2   |  0   |    0    |   0   |   1    |   1    |

 |  a   |  2   |  1   |    1    |   0   |   1    |   1    |

Data Types

Verilog Language has two primary data types:

  • Nets - represent structural connections between components.
  • Registers - represent variables used to store data.

Every signal has a data type associated with it:

  • Explicitly declared with a declaration in your Verilog code.
  • Implicitly declared with no declaration when used to connect structural building blocks in your code. Implicit declaration is always a net type "wire" and is one bit wide.

Types of Nets

Each net type has a functionality that is used to model different types of hardware (such as PMOS, NMOS, CMOS, etc)

Net Data Type


wire, tri

Interconnecting wire - no special resolution function

wor, trior

Wired outputs OR together (models ECL)

wand, triand

Wired outputs AND together (models open-collector)

tri0, tri1

Net pulls-down or pulls-up when not driven

supply0, supply1

Net has a constant logic 0 or logic 1 (supply strength)


Retains last value, when driven by z (tristate).

Note : Of all net types, wire is the one which is most widely used.

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