e Units are the basic structural blocks for creating verification modules (verification cores) that can easily be integrated together to test larger and larger portions of an HDL design as it develops.
Units, like structs, are compound data types that contain data fields, procedural methods, and other members. Unlike structs, however, a unit instance is bound to a particular component in the DUT (an HDL path). Furthermore, each unit instance has a unique and constant place (an e path) in the run-time data structure of an e program. Both the e path and the complete HDL path associated with a unit instance are determined before the run begins.
To understand better about the applications of units, look at the below example. Which is a switch fabric with 6 ports. We can have one unit, which implements the driver part of the functionality of the testbench, and this driver can be instantiated 6 times with each of them have unique HDL paths.
The basic run-time data structure of an e program is a tree of unit instances whose root is sys, the only predefined unit in e. Additionally there are structs that are dynamically bound to unit instances. The run-time data structure of a typical e program using units is similar to that of the switch_fabric program shown in figure below.
Each unit instance in the unit instance tree of the switch_fabric matches a module instance in the Verilog DUT, as shown in figure above. The one-to-one correspondence in this particular design between e unit instances and DUT module instances is not required for all designs. In more complex designs, there may be several levels of DUT hierarchy corresponding to a single level of hierarchy in the tree of e unit instances.
Binding an e unit instance to a particular component in the DUT hierarchy allows you to reference signals within that DUT component using relative HDL path names. This ability to use relative path names to reference HDL objects allows you to freely change the combination of verification cores as the HDL design and the verification environment evolve. Regardless of where the DUT component is instantiated in the final integration, the HDL path names in the verification environment remain valid.
Defining Units And Fields
Units are the basic structural blocks for creating verification modules (verification cores) that can easily be integrated together to test larger designs. Units are a special kind of struct, with two important properties:
- Units or unit instances can be bound to a particular component in the DUT (an HDL path).
- Each unit instance has a unique and constant parent unit (an e path). Unit instances create a static tree, determined during pre-run generation, in the runtime data structure of an e program.
Because the base unit type (any_unit) is derived from the base struct type (any_struct), user-defined units have the same predefined methods. In addition, units can have verilog members and have several specialized predefined methods.
A unit type can be extended or used as the basis for creating unit subtypes. Extended unit types or unit subtypes inherit the base type's members and contain additional members.
Syntax : unit unit-type [like base-unit-type] { [unit-member; ...]}
Parameter | Description |
unit-type | The type of the new unit. |
base-unit-type | The type of the unit from which the new unit inherits its members. |
unit-member | Like structs, units can have the following types of members |
. | -data fields for storing data |
. | -methods for procedures |
. | -events for defining temporal triggers |
. | -coverage groups for defining coverage points |
. | -when, for specifying inheritance subtypes |
. | -declarative constraints for describing relations between data fields |
. | -on, for specifying actions to perform upon event occurrences |
. | -expect, for specifying temporal behavior rules |
The definition of a unit can be empty, containing no members.
1 module switch_fabric(
2 clk, reset, data_in0, data_in1, data_in2,
3 data_in3, data_in4, data_in5, data_in_valid0,
4 data_in_valid1, data_in_valid2, data_in_valid3,
5 data_in_valid4, data_in_valid5, data_out0,
6 data_out1, data_out2, data_out3, data_out4,
7 data_out5, data_out_ack0, data_out_ack1,
8 data_out_ack2, data_out_ack3, data_out_ack4,
9 data_out_ack5
10 );
12 input clk, reset;
13 input [7:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3;
14 input [7:0] data_in4, data_in5;
15 input data_in_valid0, data_in_valid1, data_in_valid2;
16 input [7:0] data_in_valid3, data_in_valid4, data_in_valid5;
17 output [7:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3;
18 output [7:0] data_out4, data_out5;
19 output data_out_ack0, data_out_ack1, data_out_ack2;
20 output [7:0] data_out_ack3, data_out_ack4, data_out_ack5;
22 switch port_0 ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data_in(data_in0),
23 .data_in_valid(data_in_valid0), .data_out(data_out0),
24 .data_out_ack(data_out_ack0));
26 switch port_1 ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data_in(data_in1),
27 .data_in_valid(data_in_valid1), .data_out(data_out1),
28 .data_out_ack(data_out_ack1));
30 switch port_2 ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data_in(data_in2),
31 .data_in_valid(data_in_valid2), .data_out(data_out2), .
32 data_out_ack(data_out_ack2));
34 switch port_3 ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data_in(data_in3),
35 .data_in_valid(data_in_valid3), .data_out(data_out3),
36 .data_out_ack(data_out_ack3));
38 switch port_4 ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data_in(data_in4),
39 .data_in_valid(data_in_valid4), .data_out(data_out4),
40 .data_out_ack(data_out_ack4));
42 switch port_5 ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data_in(data_in5),
43 .data_in_valid(data_in_valid5), .data_out(data_out5),
44 .data_out_ack(data_out_ack5));
46 endmodule
48 module switch (
49 clk,
50 reset,
51 data_in,
52 data_in_valid,
53 data_out,
54 data_out_ack
55 );
57 input clk;
58 input reset;
59 input [7:0] data_in;
60 input data_in_valid;
61 output [7:0] data_out;
62 output data_out_ack;
64 reg [7:0] data_out;
65 reg data_out_ack;
67 always @ (posedge clk)
68 if (reset) begin
69 data_out <= 0;
70 data_out_ack <= 0;
71 end else if (data_in_valid) begin
72 data_out <= data_in;
73 data_out_ack <= 1;
74 end else begin
75 data_out <= 0;
76 data_out_ack <= 0;
77 end
79 endmodule
1 `include "switch_fabric.v"
3 module unit_example();
5 reg clk, reset;
6 reg [7:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3;
7 reg [7:0] data_in4, data_in5;
8 reg data_in_valid0, data_in_valid1, data_in_valid2;
9 reg data_in_valid3, data_in_valid4, data_in_valid5;
10 wire [7:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2;
11 wire [7:0] data_out3, data_out4, data_out5;
12 wire data_out_ack0, data_out_ack1, data_out_ack2;
13 wire data_out_ack3, data_out_ack4, data_out_ack5;
15 initial begin
16 clk = 0;
17 reset = 0;
18 #10 reset = 1;
19 #10 reset = 0;
20 data_in0 = 0;
21 data_in1 = 0;
22 data_in2 = 0;
23 data_in3 = 0;
24 data_in4 = 0;
25 data_in5 = 0;
26 data_in_valid0 = 0;
27 data_in_valid1 = 0;
28 data_in_valid2 = 0;
29 data_in_valid3 = 0;
30 data_in_valid4 = 0;
31 data_in_valid5 = 0;
32 end
34 always #2.5 clk = ~clk;
36 switch_fabric U_switch_fabric(
37 .clk(clk), .reset(reset),
38 .data_in0(data_in0), .data_in1(data_in1),
39 .data_in2(data_in2), .data_in3(data_in3),
40 .data_in4(data_in4), .data_in5(data_in5),
41 .data_in_valid0(data_in_valid0), .data_in_valid1(data_in_valid1),
42 .data_in_valid2(data_in_valid2), .data_in_valid3(data_in_valid3),
43 .data_in_valid4(data_in_valid4), .data_in_valid5(data_in_valid5),
44 .data_out0(data_out0), .data_out1(data_out1),
45 .data_out2(data_out2), .data_out3(data_out3),
46 .data_out4(data_out4), .data_out5(data_out5),
47 .data_out_ack0(data_out_ack0), .data_out_ack1(data_out_ack1),
48 .data_out_ack2(data_out_ack2), .data_out_ack3(data_out_ack3),
49 .data_out_ack4(data_out_ack4), .data_out_ack5(data_out_ack5)
50 );
52 endmodule
1 <'
2 unit switch_driver {
3 inst_no : uint;
4 event clk is rise('clk')@sim;
5 // This is real dump driver!!!
6 drive_data(data : byte)@clk is {
7 wait cycle;
8 outf ("Driving port : %d\n",inst_no);
9 outf (" in data : %d\n",data);
10 'data_in(inst_no)' = data;
11 'data_in_valid(inst_no)' = 1;
12 wait cycle;
13 'data_in(inst_no)' = 0;
14 'data_in_valid(inst_no)' = 0;
15 wait cycle;
16 outf (" out data : %d\n",data);
17 // Check if the data is coming out
18 if ('data_out_ack(inst_no)' == 1) {
19 check that data == 'data_out(inst_no)';
20 } else {
21 out ("There seems to be a error in DUT");
22 };
23 };
24 };
26 unit switch_fabric {
27 ports: list of switch_driver is instance;
28 keep ports.size() == 6;
29 // Assign path and unique number to each drive instance
30 keep for each in ports {
31 .hdl_path() == "";
32 .inst_no == index;
33 };
34 // Have clock reference
35 event clk is rise('clk')@sim;
36 // Drive traffic into switch
37 txgen()@clk is {
38 wait [10]*cycle;
39 ports[0].drive_data(10);
40 ports[1].drive_data(11);
41 ports[2].drive_data(12);
42 ports[3].drive_data(13);
43 ports[4].drive_data(14);
44 ports[5].drive_data(15);
45 wait [10]*cycle;
46 stop_run();
47 };
48 };
50 extend sys {
51 switch_fabric : switch_fabric is instance;
52 keep switch_fabric.hdl_path() == "unit_example";
53 run() is also {
54 start switch_fabric.txgen();
55 };
56 };
57 '>
Driving port : 0
in data : 10
out data : 10
Driving port : 1
in data : 11
out data : 11
Driving port : 2
in data : 12
out data : 12
Driving port : 3
in data : 13
out data : 13
Driving port : 4
in data : 14
out data : 14
Driving port : 5
in data : 15
out data : 15Bạn Có Đam Mê Với Vi Mạch hay Nhúng - Bạn Muốn Trau Dồi Thêm Kĩ Năng
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