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Synchronizers list dump using SpyGlass Tool

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This section will tell you how to dump the list of sync cell using spyglass tool.

There are complexities and different settings which depends on design to design, some fine tuning may require to dump the Synchronizer list.

Spyglass give a lot of options which vary design to design, below are the common settings you can use in spyglass project file.
you can either define the custom goal and dump the sync cell list or you can add options/parameter in standard goal in spyglass prj file.

defining custom goal ->

define_goal   -policy {clock-reset} {

## only 4 rules required to dump the synchronizers , this will not dump the reset sync cell.
set_goal_option rules { Ac_unsync01 Ac_unsync02 Ac_sync01 Ac_sync02}

#SynchInfo will be the file where spyglass will dump all the sync flop
# moresimple will be dump if defined below.
set_goal_option report { SynchInfo moresimple}

## wild card can be use here , this info tool will use to identify the sync cell , this can be any standard pattern.
set_parameter synchronize_cells "*sync1*, *sync2*"

## Same as above but will recognize the reset sync cell.
set_parameter reset_synchronize_cells "*rst_sync*"

## This is important, this will enable tool to dump the sync list. 
set_parameter dump_sync_info detailed

## This is optional and can be used if you have static mux before the sync cell.
set_parameter allow_combo_logic yes

## This is optional and required if you data signal is coming from different source and then going to sync cell. All source must be quasi-static and should not change simultaneously.
set_parameter allow_merged_qualifier yes

## This parameters can be used , it will reduce the pessimism and will dump all the flops where tool is finding the clock domain crossing.
set_parameter enable_and_sync yes
set_parameter cdc_reduce_pessimism all
set_parameter strict_sync_check yes
set_parameter enable_debug_data yes

Hope this information is useful to you , comment or email me if you need any support on this.

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Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 03 Tháng 10 2021 16:00 )  

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