Digital Logic Families part I


Digital Logic Families
Logic families can be classified broadly according to the technologies they are built with. In earlier days we had vast number of these technologies, as you can see in the list below.

Among these, only CMOS is most widely used by the ASIC (Chip) designers; we will still try to understand a few of the extinct / less used technologies. More in-depth explanation of CMOS will be covered in the VLSI section.

Basic Concepts
Before we start looking at the how gates are built using various technologies, we need to understand a few basic concepts. These concepts will go long way i.e. if you become a ASIC designer or Board designer, you may need to know these concepts very well.

Fan-in is the number of inputs a gate has, like a two input AND gate has fan-in of two, a three input NAND gate as a fan-in of three. So a NOT gate always has a fan-in of one. The figure below shows the effect of fan-in on the delay offered by a gate for a CMOS based gate. Normally delay increases following a quadratic function of fan-in.



The number of gates that each gate can drive, while providing voltage levels in the guaranteed range, is called the standard load or fan-out. The fan-out really depends on the amount of electric current a gate can source or sink while driving other gates. The effects of loading a logic gate output with more than its rated fan-out has the following effects.



Normally as in the case of fan-in, the delay offered by a gate increases with the increase in fan-out.

Gate Delay

Gate delay is the delay offered by a gate for the signal appearing at its input, before it reaches the gate output. The figure below shows a NOT gate with a delay of "Delta", where output X' changes only after a delay of "Delta". Gate delay is also known as propagation delay.


Gate delay is not the same for both transitions, i.e. gate delay will be different for low to high transition, compared to high to low transition.

Low to high transition delay is called turn-on delay and High to low transition delay is called turn-off delay.

Wire Delay
Gates are connected together with wires and these wires do delay the signal they carry, these delays become very significant when frequency increases, say when the transistor sizes are sub-micron. Sometimes wire delay is also called flight time (i.e. signal flight time from point A to B). Wire delay is also known as transport delay.

The same signal arriving at different parts of the design with different phase is known as skew. Skew normally refers to clock signals. In the figure below, clock signal CLK reaches flip-flop FF0 at time t0, so with respect to the clock phase at the source, it has at FF0 input a clock skew of t0 time units. Normally this is expressed in nanoseconds.


The waveform below shows how clock looks at different parts of the design. We will discuss the effects of clock skew later.

Logic levels
Logic levels are the voltage levels for logic high and logic low.
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